How To Build A Financial Plan That Provides For Your Future Dreams
Most people fail to successfully live the life of their dreams because they haven’t developed a financial plan that gives them guidance and hope. Without a plan, most couples try and take the fast track, often skipping the foundational components of a solid financial plan. Why? Because they’ve never been taught how.
For the past 11 years, I’ve had the privilege of teaching personal finance and coaching singles and couples on how to improve their financial situation.
Over that time I’ve taught thousands of people how to live the life of their dreams by providing information that helps them develop a financial plan designed around their goals.
I’ve helped singles and couples send their financial problems on a permanent vacation. I’ve helped them bring clarity to their current financial situation while providing information and motivation that allows them to have hope for the future.
My experience has taught me one thing. People who are informed, motivated, and full of HOPE can accomplish a great amount of success in a short time frame.
I’ve learned this not only from teaching and coaching but also because I’ve made the journey from financial stress to financial peace. Most think we’ve always had peace in our financial life. They think we’ve never struggled. Those who know me well will tell you we were once like you.
“Chris used to be like the everyday American but one day there was a tranformation. We all noticed it. In a very short time frame, he completely changed his financial future. I wish I had the forsight to follow his lead when he started over 10 years ago. I would be much further along than I am now. Unfortunately, it took me another 10 years before I put into practice the changes he made.”
Mike Hawkins – Brother

We wanted to get out of debt, start saving for retirement, put our kids through college debt free, and retire on our terms. We drew a line in the sand. We began a new journey.
The path wasn’t easy. We ran into multiple road blocks. A few times, we had to take a step back in order to move forward.
All of the difficulties were worth it and I would only change one thing on our journey.
I would have sought a mentor who had already made the journey.
It’s time to take the financial road less traveled!
They all start the journey with a new level of excitement. Most will make the journey on their own. A few will wander on their journey and persevere through many road blocks. Unfortunately, most will fail!
Most will give up quickly while a few will struggle for years before finally calling it quit. Some simply lack the belief they can achieve financial independence. Others lack the knowledge. A few of them have no long-term goals to achieve. Because of this they don’t have a vision to help them make decisions. Some don’t have the mental toughness to persevere on their own.
Many could have make it if they had someone teaching and motivating them along the way.
All of these people have one thing in common. They lack experience.
Fortunately, there is a solution.
All you need is a tireless coach who will commit to teaching, inspiring, and motivating you to believe you can achieve the goals you truly desire for yourself.
Successful people don’t go at it alone! They find a mentor and immerse themselves into a community of like-minded people that educate and encourage them to achieve things they never though possible.
A Portion Of A Story From Katie S. Written In Her Own Words
(If you want to listen to her story, I interviewed her for my podcast a couple of years ago. You can listen using this link. – )
“When I turned 32 years old, I realized that, even though I had a secure job and didn’t have major financial problems, I couldn’t seem to get out of debt and save money. I wasn’t a spend thrift, but I also didn’t know how to effectively manage my money. As a teacher, I didn’t make – nor had the potential to make – a substantial amount of money. However, I knew I made enough, if I could only manage it properly.
When Chris offered a course at our school, I jumped at the chance to learn this skill that did not come naturally to me, and I hoped to find financial peace. I am not usually one to put myself in uncomfortable situations, and to me, concretely dealing with my financial situation was incredibly uncomfortable. Quite honestly, I hate dealing with practical matters. But I had something else driving me – a desire to make my dream of living overseas come true. And I knew I couldn’t set off abroad with the dead weight of debt anchoring me where I was.
What I expected to be uncomfortable drudgery, turned out to be not only comfortable, but also exciting and inspiring. Chris made the class accessible for everyone. There were folks with families saving for college tuition, there were people with substantial debt, and there were those like me who just needed a boost in the right direction. Chris was able to reach each of us and our needs. For those 12 weeks, Chris gently nudged me to stay conscious of my financial life – asking questions, sending reminders, encouraging me to keep moving forward, and most of all, reminding me that I was doing not only good work, but important work.”
When you’re struggling financially, it’s tough to keep your head above water. The idea of looking for a mentor doesn’t cross your mind. You’re just trying to survive. Even if you think of hiring a coach, you don’t believe you have the funds to afford one.
Taking the journey alone and continuing to struggle seems like the only option.
Do you remember what my regret was while I went through my journey?
I wish I had sought the help of a mentor that had already navigated the path to financial success. I would have been able to avoid the pitfalls, moved faster towards my goals, and would be further along than I am now had I invested in a coach to guide me.
The good news is you now have access to the coach you need.
Let me guide you on the journey – I’m committed to helping you achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of living.
If so, the Financial Hall of Fame Mastermind Group is for you.
The reason most people fail to become wealthy is they don’t have a framework that helps them understand how to prioritize their decisions. They try to quickly look wealthy without trying to build wealth. They try and take short cuts.
You will not learn how to “Get Rich Quick” in this program! If you are looking for a coach or community that will show you how to build wealth in just a few short years, this program is not for you.
This workshop will demand a lot from you. It might make you uncomfortable at times. Iron sharpens iron.
The goal of this community is to learn how to build sustainable wealth that can allow you to accomplish the dreams that few believe they are capable of achieving.
Learn From My Personal Experience & The Experience of Others (And Avoid All Our Mistakes)
I will be sharing stories from our own journey of eliminating over $90k in debt, putting our kids through college debt free, building wealth, and setting ourselves up to retire on our own terms. I will share with you how we significantly increased our net worth over the past 12 years.
Not only that, I will be sharing insights that I have gained from teaching thousands of people and coaching hundreds of others.
During this year long mastermind group, I’ll provide a framework for how to go from living paycheck to paycheck to building sustainable wealth that will completely change your outlook on life. We’ll cover things like:
- Determining your why
- Setting meaningful long-term goals
- How to break down goals into smaller goals
- How to focus on your next “one thing” based on your goals
- Creating a long-term plan to accomplish your goals
- How to get and stay motivated
- Unleashing the kid inside of you; that inner child that believed they could accomplish anything they set their mind to accomplishing
The new mature version of that kid will be full of HOPE, the main ingredient needed in transforming yourself financially.
You’ll learn about all the things that I would have done differently. You will be taught how to identify and avoid the pitfalls that many others face when attempting the journey on their own. The activities you will complete both on your own and with my help are going to be extremely valuable.
Not only will you learn everything I have experienced over the past 13 years, you will learn from others who are on the same journey.
Your year long cohort will be your accountability partners. They will become your friends. You will cry with them and cheer for them as you all go on the journey together.
You will have a group of no more than 20 individuals and/or couples who will become your new teammates. As a group, you will truly become a member of the Financial Hall of Fame. The value of these new friends will be transforming!
Back To Katie’s Story…
“For me, it was the weekly budgeting and the envelope system that was most effective. This kind of detail oriented, math oriented, administrative-skill-oriented task does not come easily to me. But somehow, what I thought would be tedious, turned out to to be far less tedious than I had expected under Chris’s guidance. In fact, once I got the hang of it, I actually looked forward to my Sunday evenings, when I would sit down to budget my life for the week.
There were times, however, that I just didn’t want to do what Chris was advising. Most memorable to me was putting aside money for emergencies BEFORE paying off the rest of debt. I did not want to do this. Once I got the envelope system down and started to have a little extra money, I wanted to dump it into the debt and be done with it. He asked me to trust him. Because things had been working so far, I decided to trust him.
So when I got a flat tire several weeks later, which of course I had not budgeted for, I realized why I needed that emergency money. I was able to easily pay for a new tire without interrupting the good progress I was making with my weekly budgeting and paying off debt. After that, I decided I would always do what Chris said to do.”
Who Will Benefit From Participating In This Mastermind Group? Hint: Not Everyone!
- You are tired of being tired and have felt pain long enough to be committed to change.
- You have tried to get out of debt in the past but didn’t really understand how.
- You are willing to sacrifice temporarily and understand you might have to start by taking a step back.
- You are willing to sell material possessions and/or take on a second job.
- You value financial freedom more than stuff.
- You are willing to put in the effort and recognize the process won’t be easy.
- You realize that only you can control the future.
- You are looking for the support of like-minded individuals.
Here are the qualities of those who would NOT benefit from this group:
- You are concerned about what others think of you.
- You believe that it is important to look wealthy.
- You are unwilling to be patient.
- You are looking for easy solutions.
- You value your credit cards and credit score.
- You believe you “deserve” things because you work hard.
- You are stuck in the past and often blame others for your financial problems.
- You and your spouse are unable to communicate.
- You believe in having “your stuff” and your spouse having “their stuff” instead of we having “our stuff”.
- You are uncomfortable sharing your financial situation with others.
What Is The Investment Amount?
The Financial Hall of Fame Mastermind is an investment that will pay huge dividends if you work the program. Your return on your investment is only limited by how much you are willing to put into practice the principles you will learn in this year-long program.
Suppose this course helped you increase your net worth by $100,000 over the next 10 years. I can’t guarantee that it will. Only you can!
What would the knowledge be worth today if you could increase your net worth that much in 10 years?
If you earned a 20% return, it would take $16,000 to generate $100,000 in 10 years. At 10%, it would take $38,500.
A monetary return isn’t the only benefit from this program. In fact, it’s secondary to the more important benefits.
What are they?
If the only thing you got from participating in this mastermind group is that you no longer live paycheck to paycheck, that would be priceless.
If the only result is the ability to sleep peacefully at night, that would be priceless.
If you only gained HOPE for a brighter future, that would be priceless.
You can’t put a value on the overall benefits you will experience from enthusiastically participating in this mastermind group.
The good news is you get all of these benefits and SO many more. How? Because of everything I am committed to provide including:
- Two one-hour lessons monthly for 12 months – each on a different topic
- One two-hour monthly group meeting for 12 months – conducted online
- A bi-monthly meeting with me to dig deep into your current financial situation – YES! 24 one-hour meetings with me
- Weekly office hours – one day a week via email
- A weekly video to motivate or inform you
- Weekly links to relevant articles, books, and research
- Access to a group Facebook page where you and your fellow teammates can learn from each other and share your victories
- Much, much more….
Now, back to my question.
How much you would be willing to invest today to gain the knowledge necessary to increase your net worth by $100,000 over the next 10 years.
Suppose you only make it half way. What would you pay now to increase your net worth by $50,000?
The Financial Hall of Fame Mastermind Group program is available for an investment of $300 per month for 12 months.
If the information available in this program along with the personal one on one attention you will receive generates $100,000 in 10 years, your annual return on your $3,600 investment would be a whopping 39.5%.
Where else can you get a return like that?
If you only make it half way there, that’s still a return of 30.5% a year.
You see, you control your own destiny. You’ve taken the road that everyone else has traveled. Now you are at a junction.
Do you continue to follow the same path? Or, do you make the decision today to start a new journey?
A journey, that will be hard but worth it.
A journey that others, like myself, have taken that you can rely on to help you safely navigate your way. A journey where you are not going alone.
What will you decide to do?
Space Is Limited – Register Today
Don’t delay! Each session is limited to no more than 20 individuals or couples.
The Conclusion Of Katie’s Story…
“One year after pulling myself out of debt and increasing my emergency account to $10,000.00, I moved to Asia. When I got there, I found that many of my colleagues were there in an attempt to get themselves out of debt, as teacher salaries were higher there and cost of living was lower. It was funny, really: I thought I had to get out of debt in order to go abroad, when really everyone else was going abroad to get out of debt. But how awesome it was to just start saving and investing…and traveling! It was the most free I ever felt in my whole life.
I live in Switzerland now. I don’t do weekly budgets anymore, and I don’t use envelopes. I don’t need them. It is all so ingrained in me – it’s just a way of life now. And I continue to learn from Chris. The last time we talked, he reminded me to be grateful for my life, for living my dream, for my financial peace. I had needed that reminder. And I remembered again why I always do what Chris tells me to do.”
What Do Those Who Know Chris Say About Him?
“Chris’ greatest strength is his ability to breakdown a large topic into manageable pieces. He listens to those involved, asks probing questions, repeats back his understanding of what they are saying, and asks for clarification every step of the process. It amazes me every time he does it.”Richard
Space Is Limited – Register Today
Don’t delay! Each session is limited to no more than 20 couples.
20 Seats Available 18 Seats Remaining
Frequently Asked Questions
How will I access the video lessons? Once a month, I will release two lessons inside the course website. After joining the program, you will receive a username and password that you will use to access the course website. Here you will find all lessons, activities, monthly group sessions, weekly motivational and educational lessons, and links to other helpful resources. This site will be your home base for the entire year long program.
How are the video lessons organized? Each lesson will be approximately one-hour and will be broken into 5-10 minute segments. Within each lesson, you will be required to work on one or more assignments associated with that topic.
When will the video lessons be made available? The first lesson will be made available on February 18, 2019. Subsequent lessons will be made available approximately every 14 to 15 days. Those who join after June 4th will receive their first lesson immediately and then will receive subsequent lessons every 14 to 15 days.
When do the group meetings occur? I will conduct a two hour group meeting the 3rd Wednesday of each month. This meeting will be conducted live online at 7PM EST. During this meeting I will answer questions live that I receive during the meeting as well as questions I’ve received during the week via email. The first meeting will take place on February 20, 2019.
Will you be sharing my personal questions with the group? I will only answer generic questions I receive from group members in the online sessions. If a mastermind member asks a question live, I will answer that question unless I believe it to be of a personal nature then I will ask for permission. You are free to share with the group what you want but I will never provide anything we discuss personally with the group without your permission. My hope is that you become more comfortable with your mastermind teammates and will begin to share more with them over time.
Do I have to participate in the online group meetings? Nothing is mandatory but remember you get out of the program what you put into it. The meetings will be your chance to pick my brain and share your questions with the rest of the group. These meetings are designed to allow the group to learn not only from myself but from each other. We will also be sharing victories along the way to keep you motivated. These sessions will be recorded and made available in the course website but I hope that you make every attempt to make each live session.
What is the cancellation policy? My hope is that you will take advantage of the full program. It takes time for positive change to occur. I recognize difficult changes aren’t for everyone. So, I will allow participants to cancel at any time, but they will not be able to ask for a refund for any portion of the program they have consumed.
What if my question isn’t listed? Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].
Space Is Limited – Register Today
Don’t delay! Each session is limited to no more than 20 couples.